Awesomewm Fennel Config

Table of Contents


This is my Awesomewm configuration file, written in the Fennel Language. Awesome is configured by writing code in Lua, and Fennel is a lisp-like language that compiles to Lua. Let's get into the code!


  • Awesome window manager
  • Fennel binary
  • acpi (requires modification if not)
  • feh for background

Startup and Helpful functions

Let's start off by loading the awesome libraries:

(local gears (require :gears))
(require "gears.surface")
(local  awful (require :awful))
(require "awful.autofocus")
(local  wibox (require :wibox))
(local  beautiful (require :beautiful))
(local  naughty (require :naughty))
(local  menubar (require :menubar))  

Now we can get into startup error checking:

(if awesome.startup_errors
    (naughty.notify { :preset naughty.config.presets.critical
                      :title "Oops, there were errors during startup!"
                      :text awesome.startup_errors }))

(let [in-error false]
   (fn [err]
     (if in-error
         (let [in-error true]
           (naughty.notify { :preset naughty.config.presets.critical
                             :title "Oops, an error happened!"
                             :text (tostring err) }))))))

This is almost identical to the default startup error catching code.

Theming and Locals

Use the Zenburn theme:

(beautiful.init (.. (gears.filesystem.get_themes_dir) "zenburn/theme.lua"))

And we set up some local variables for program preferences, layouts, etc…

(local terminal "emacsclient -e '(shell)'")
(local editor "emacsclient")
(local editor-cmd "emacsclient")

(local modkey "Mod4")
(local fnlconf "~/.config/awesome/rc.fnl")

(tset awful :layout :layouts [awful.layout.suit.tile.right

(fn preferred-layout [s] (naughty.notify {:text (.. "width " s.geometry.width " height " s.geometry.height)})
                           (if (>= s.geometry.width s.geometry.height)

(local menu [["quit" awesome.quit]
             ["restart" awesome.restart]
             ["edit config" (.. editor-cmd " " fnlconf)]
             ["Emacs" (fn [] (awful.spawn "emacs"))]
             ["Firefox" (fn [] (awful.spawn "firefox"))]
             ["Zathura" (fn [] (awful.spawn "zathura"))]
             ["Discord" (fn [] (awful.spawn "discord"))]])

(local my-perm-tags ["E" "F" "Z" "D"])

my-perm-tags are the tags that always stay available, one for each of the programs in the menu. Every other tag will be created and destroyed with new program launches and closes.

The menu item will become the launcher menu. I don't use the awesome default wallpapers, so I have the following:

(fn set-wallpaper [s] (os.execute "/home/samueltwallace/.local/bin/fehbg"))

And the script there sets a random backgrouns through feh --bg-fill --randomize \/my\/pic\/dir\/** in a one-line script. I also have a cron job running that script on the hour.

Menu, Widgets, and Tags

We make a menu with the awesome icon with the following:

(local mylauncher (awful.widget.launcher {:image beautiful.awesome_icon
                                          :menu ( { :items menu })}))

Now we can make some widgets:

(local batt_bar (wibox.widget { :widget wibox.widget.progressbar
                                :forced_width 200
                                :shape gears.shape.rounded_bar
                                :bar_shape gears.shape.rounded_bar
                                :background_color "yellow"}))

(local batt_hover (awful.tooltip {
                                  :objects [batt_bar]
                                  :timer_function (fn []
                                                    (let [batt_proc (io.popen "bash -c 'acpi -b'")
                                                          batt_str (batt_proc:read "*a")]
(local mytextclock (wibox.widget.textclock))

(local taglist_buttons (gears.table.join
                        (awful.button { } 1 (fn [t] (t:view_only)))
                        (awful.button { } 3 awful.tag.viewtoggle)))

(var batt_low false)

(local batt_thresh 0.25)

The batt_bar variable saves a progressbar widget that will display battery. We will make a watch widget to get live updates later.

The batt_hover widget gives the batt_bar a hover popup that shows the output of acpi -b (requires acpi).

batt_low and batt_thresh will be used later to track battery low notifications, and the latter is the 'threshold' for when the bar turns red and a notification gets sent.

taglist_buttons says to show only the clicked tag if left clicked, and show the clicked tag as well as any previous tags if right clicked.

mytextclock makes a widget for showing the current time in text.

weather_box will show the weather in a textbox, curl'ed from

(local weather_box (wibox.widget {:widget wibox.widget.textbox
                                  :text "No weather right now"}))

Screen Connect

Now we'll start to put some of these variables into action! We will call connect_for_each_screen to set up behavior for each screen.

I'll comment through the large code block below rather than separately annotating.

 (fn [s]
     (set-wallpaper s) ;; set wallpaper on each screen
     (awful.tag my-perm-tags s (. awful.layout.layouts (preferred-layout s)))
     (tset s :mypromptbox (awful.widget.prompt)) ;;have a prompt box
     (tset s :mylayoutbox (awful.widget.layoutbox s)) ;; have a box showing current layout
     (s.mylayoutbox:buttons (awful.button {} 1 (fn [] ( 1))) ) ;;clicking on layoutbox advances the layouts through the list
     (tset s :mytaglist (awful.widget.taglist {
                                             :screen s
                                             :filter awful.widget.taglist.filter.noempty ;; only show tags which are not empty
                                             :buttons taglist_buttons})) ;; click the taglist by the predefined buttons
     (tset s :mytasklist (awful.widget.tasklist { :screen s
                                                :filter awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags})) ;; show the icons and names of windows in the current tag(s)
     (tset s :mywibox (awful.wibar { :position "top" ;; show bar across top of screen
                                     :screen s }))
     (s.mywibox:setup { :layout wibox.layout.align.horizontal ;; horizontal layout for the whole bar
                        1 { :layout wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal ;; horizontal layout for the left side
                            1 mylauncher
                            2 s.mytaglist
                            3 s.mypromptbox }
                        2 s.mytasklist ;; middle widget
                        3  { :layout wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal ;; horizontal layout for right side
                            1 ( "bash -c 'curl -s'" ;; take from
                                                  600 ;;refresh every 5 mins
                                                  (fn [widget stdout]
                                                      (tset widget :text stdout)) ;; make it weather_box text
                            2 (wibox.widget.systray)
                            3 ( "bash -c 'acpi -b'" ;; watching battery updates
                                                  30 ;; recall every 30 secs
                                                  (fn [widget stdout] ;; here is fn to be called after calling acpi
                                                    (let [batt_percent (/ (tonumber (string.match stdout "(%d+)%%")) 100)] ;; get battery percentage as decimal
                                                        (widget:set_value batt_percent) ;; set progressbar to show batt_percent full
                                                        (if (and (< batt_percent batt_thresh) ;; if we are hitting batt_thresh for first time, then
                                                                 (not batt_low))
                                                              (naughty.notify {:title "Battery Low!" ;; notify about low battery
                                                                               :preset naughty.config.presets.critical})
                                                              (set batt_low true)))
                                                        (if (< batt_percent batt_thresh) ;; if low battery
                                                            (tset widget :color "red") ;;set bar color red
                                                            (do ;; otherwise set green and mark no low battery
                                                              (tset widget :color "green")
                                                              (set batt_low false)))))) ;; need to check delims here, org mode matches < and )
                            4 mytextclock ;; clock
                            5 s.mylayoutbox}})))) ;; show layout


We'll set up a variable for all the window management keybindings:

(var globalkeys (gears.table.join
                   (awful.key [modkey] "Left" awful.tag.viewprev)
                   (awful.key [modkey] "Right" awful.tag.viewnext)
                   (awful.key [modkey] "Escape" awful.tag.history.restore)
                   (awful.key [modkey] "j" (fn [] (awful.client.focus.byidx 1)))
                   (awful.key [modkey] "k" (fn [] (awful.client.focus.byidx -1)))
                   (awful.key [modkey "Control"] "r" awesome.restart)
                   (awful.key [modkey "Shift"] "j" (fn [] (awful.client.swap.byidx 1)))
                   (awful.key [modkey "Shift"] "k" (fn [] (awful.client.swap.byidx -1)))
                   (awful.key [modkey] "Tab" (fn [] (awful.screen.focus_relative 1)))
                   (awful.key [modkey] "u" awful.client.urgent.jumpto)
                   (awful.key [modkey] "g" (fn [] (awful.spawn "i3lock -c 000000")))
                   (awful.key [modkey] "space" (fn [] (

Now we'll do the only client key I want to do: set to full screen.

(local clientkeys (gears.table.join
                   (awful.key [modkey] "f" (fn [c] (do
                                                     (tset c :fullscreen (not c.fullscreen))

Now we'll switch between workspaces with the modkey and a number, as many as there are elements in my-perm-tags.

(each [idx tag-name (pairs my-perm-tags)]
  (set globalkeys (gears.table.join globalkeys
                                    (awful.key [modkey] (.. "#" (+ idx 9)) (fn [] ;; on modkey + number keypress, 
                                                                       (let [screen (awful.screen.focused)
                                                                             tag (. screen.tags idx)]
                                                                         (if tag
                                                                             (tag:view_only)) ;; view only the pressed tag.
                                    (awful.key [modkey "Control"] (.. "#" (+ idx 9)) (fn [] ;; on modkey + control + number,
                                                                                 (let [screen (awful.screen.focused)
                                                                                       tag (. screen.tags idx)]
                                                                                   (if tag
                                                                                       (awful.tag.viewtoggle tag))))) ;; view pressed tag as well.
                                    (awful.key [modkey "Shift"] (.. "#" (+ idx 9)) (fn [] ;; on modkey + shift + number,
                                                                               (if client.focus
                                                                                   (let [tag (. client.focus.screen.tags i)]
                                                                                     (if tag
                                                                                         (client.focus:move_to_tag tag))))))))) ;; move client to pressed tag.

And let's set the keys:

(root.keys globalkeys)


Most of this is fairly standard… note the end though!

(tset awful.rules :rules [
                         { :rule { } ;; default for all windows
                           :properties {
                                        :border_width beautiful.border_width
                                        :border_color beautiful.border_normal
                                        :focus awful.client.focus.filter
                                        :raise true
                                        :keys clientkeys
                                        :screen awful.screen.preferred
                                        :placement (+ awful.placement.no_overlap awful.placement.no_offscreen)}}
                         { :rule { :class "Emacs" } ;; emacs will end up
                           :properties { :screen (screen.count) ;; on highest number screen
                                         :tag "E" }} ;; on tag "E"
                         {:rule { :class "firefox" } ;; firefox will end up
                          :properties { :tag "F" }} ;; on tag "F"
                         {:rule { :class "Zathura"} ;; Zathura will end up
                          :properties {:tag "Z"}} ;; on tag "Z"
                         {:rule {:class "discord" } ;; and discord
                          :properties {:tag "D"}} ]) ;; on tag "D"

Signals and Workspace Assignment

Now we look at manage and unmanage signals. When we manage a new window, if it is not a commonly used program, put it on a new tag with name and icon matching program. Otherwise it goes to a perm-tag.

(client.connect_signal "manage" (fn [c]
                                  (if (and
                                       (not c.size_hints.user_position)
                                       (not c.size_hints.program_position))
                                      (awful.placement.no_offscreen c))
                                  (if (not (or
                                       (= c.class "Emacs")
                                       (= c.class "Zathura")
                                       (= c.class "firefox")
                                       (= c.class "discord")))
                                      (let [t (awful.tag.add c.class {:screen c.screen
                                                                      :icon (gears.surface.duplicate_surface c.icon)})]
                                        (c:tags [t])))))

For an unmanage signal, we delete the tag it's from if it's not on a perm-tag. We also notify that the tag was deleted.

(fn is-tag-by-name [tag name]
  (= tag (awful.tag.find_by_name (awful.screen.focused) name)))

(client.connect_signal "unmanage" (fn [c]
                                    (each [_ tag (ipairs c.screen.tags)]
                                      (if (not (or
                                           (. (tag:clients) 1)
                                           (is-tag-by-name tag "E")
                                           (is-tag-by-name tag "F")
                                           (is-tag-by-name tag "Z")
                                           (is-tag-by-name tag "D")))
                                          (do (tag:delete)
                                              (naughty.notify {:text (.. "tag " " deleted!")
                                                               :preset naughty.config.presets.critical})))))) 

Now, we focus a window if mouse enters (sloppy focus)

(client.connect_signal "mouse::enter" (fn [c]
                                         {:raise false})

Startup Programs

Start Emacs if not running:

(awful.spawn "pgrep emacs || emacs")

Final Notes

That's it! This slimmed down the default config by a factor of 2 or so, though some stuff is taken out to my preference. You can generate the config with fennel --compile rc.fnl > rc.lua.

Author: Samuel Wallace

Created: 2022-05-31 Tue 09:10
